The UK India Business Council is the leading provider of intelligence and support to UK businesses seeking to export to and invest in India and is the top network for Indian businesses exploring opportunities in the UK.
Securing the rewards in the world’s fastest growing economy takes time and patience. As a member of the UK India Business Council you stay in control and achieve the rewards sooner by taking advantage of the skills and knowledge of our team, as well as other UK India Business Council members who include CEO-level executives with hands-on experience in India.
Our team are sector specialists with a deep understanding of your industry and India to give you the right connections; policy experts with know-how in political matters and regulatory issues; and a leadership team with experience, knowledge, and connections to help your business succeed.
Indo UK Collaboration
members benefit from:
influence with governments through our policy advocacy work, including our sector and policy groups;
interactions with other senior business leaders and political figures at our exclusive private roundtables, dinners, conclaves, and other events in our membership programme; and
intelligence from, and profile within, UKIBC reports, interactions, and our other sources.
What does Indo UK Collaboration do for its members?
provide quick and on-going feedback to governments, on behalf of members, to their policy announcements
arrange meetings for our members with government officials to discuss market access and ease of doing business issues;
get members together in small groups to meet senior business figures visiting UK/India; and
generate sector specific content that informs our members and wider stakeholders of the opportunities and challenges businesses face in doing business in the UK-India corridor.
Corporate Plus members have access to:
Four seminars in the UK each year;
Four seminars in India each year;
Two dinners in the UK each year;
Two dinners in India each year;
All our sector policy group activity, including roundtables, dinners, reports, delegations to government departments;
Other events/activities when delegations and Ministers visit the UK/India; and
UKIBC communications channels to share news and thought leadership.
Corporate members have access to:
Four seminars in the UK each year;
Four seminars in India each year;
Two leadership insight programme roundtables in the UK each year;
Two leadership insight programme roundtables in India each year;
All our sector and policy group activity, including roundtables, dinners, reports, and delegations to government departments;
Other activities/events when delegations and Ministers visit the UK/India; and
UKIBC communications channels to share news and thought leadership.