Strengthen collaboration to promote secure, affordable and sustainable supplies of energy as shared priorities. Reduce the cost of development and deployment of clean energy projects through technology innovation, market-building, knowledge sharing, capacity building, trade and investment and project establishment, for example on energy efficiency, smart grids, AI and digitalisation, efficient electricity distribution in the solar, offshore wind, sustainable cooling, industrial decarbonisation, carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) and energy storage sectors and on green hydrogen.
Unlock India’s offshore wind potential by sharing knowledge and expertise to support India’s clean energy transition.
Launch a global Green Grids Initiative at COP26, to include a political declaration by national leaders and increased technical, financial and research cooperation to help deliver India’s vision of One Sun One World One Grid.
On energy, develop collaboration in research and innovation, demonstration and deployment of technologies to promote bio-economy including biofuels towards low emission pathways and climate resilience.
Strengthen collaboration on clean transport, including in the areas of e-vehicles, charging infrastructure and battery storage.
Explore new cooperation in areas including Green Hydrogen, Green Steel and on Battery Manufacturing and Innovation.